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Every Business Owner Should Hear This
Even though I don’t work in PR, I did learn a lot about different takes on branding and working with ideal clients. A must listen for anyone with a brand or business!

Awesome! Great info & insights
I loved the episode with the husband & wife business partners. It was great to get insight on how PR works with branding and marketing and the importance of clients knowing their product/service before seeking PR. As a marketing professional this was super insightful in bringing it all together, and hearing about how this power couple tackles business and relationship. Great interview!

Things I needed to hear !!!
This podcast actually takes the googling process to starting a brand easier. It give you the straight facts without the fluff and I appreciate that !!!! I really enjoy this looking to hear more. -🥰tink

Motivation Motivation Motivation
Definitely got some motivation out of the last episode! The couple on the last episode definitely makes you think about your own business and marketing yourself! All this PR insight WHEW CHILE!! Great flow of conversation!!! I love it!

Great insight!
Enjoyed hearing behind the scenes PR stuff